
Corneal Keratoconus Treatment

Corneal transplantation is one of the most common forms of cornea eye surgery. It is appropriate for a variety of conditions, including:

  • Keratoconus: An abnormal cone-like formation of the cornea
  • Keratitis: An infection with free ameba, or another bacterial, fungal, or viral organism
  • Corneal dystrophies: An alteration of the corneal structure without previous inflammation or infection.
  • Bullous keratopathy: A fluid imbalance in the eye that causes edema in the cornea and progressive destruction of its structure.
  • Corneal opacity.

What Is Corneal Keratoconus?

Normally your cornea, the clear outer lens or “windshield” of the eye, has a dome shape, like a ball. Sometimes the structure isn’t strong enough to hold its round shape and it bulges outward, like a cone. This is called keratoconus.

Tiny fibers of protein in your eye called collagen help hold your cornea in place. When these fibers get weak, they can’t hold their shape. Your cornea gets more and more cone-like.

It happens when you don’t have enough protective antioxidants in your cornea. Its cells produce harmful byproducts, the same way a car puts out exhaust. Normally, antioxidants get rid of them and protect the collagen fibers. But if levels are low, the collagen weakens and the cornea bulges.

What Are The Symptoms Of Keratoconus?

Keratoconus changes your vision in two ways:

As the cornea changes shape from a ball to a cone, the smooth surface becomes wavy. This is called irregular astigmatism.

As the front expands, your vision becomes more nearsighted. That means you can see objects clearly only when they’re up close. Anything too far away looks like a blur.

An eye doctor may spot the signs during an eye exam. You should also mention symptoms like:

Double vision when looking with just one eye

Objects both near and far that look blurry

Bright lights that appear to have halos around them

Light streaks

Triple ghost images

Blurry vision that makes it hard to drive

How Is It Diagnosed?

Your doctor needs to measure the shape of your cornea. There are different ways, but the most common is called corneal topography. The doctor snaps a photo of your cornea and checks it closely.

How Is It Treated?

You’ll probably start with new glasses. If you have a mild case, new eyeglasses should clear things up. If they don’t, your doctor will suggest contact lenses. Rigid gas permeable contacts are usually the first choice. Over time, you may need other treatments to strengthen your cornea and improve your sight.

A treatment called cornea collagen cross linking may stop the condition from getting worse. Or your doctor could implant a ring called an Intacs under the cornea’s surface to flatten the cone shape and improve vision. Also we can use Laser to regularize the surface of the Cornea.

When other treatments don’t give you good vision, the last resort is a Partial Cornea Transplant. This is a very safe operation, and it’s successful in more than 90% of cases and decrease the incident of rejection after the surgery.

What Can We Do For You?

In Eye Consultants Center, we have the best specialists and eye surgeons in Dubai. Our cornea eye surgery department is specialized in different Corneal Treatments with most advanced techniques.

What Is Corneal Transplantation?

Corneal transplantation is a type of cornea eye surgery that removes a damaged cornea and replaces it with donor tissue. It is also known as keratoplasty or corneal graft. The most common indication is keratoconus, followed by corneal destruction caused by keratitis.

A corneal transplant is carried out with one of the following techniques, depending on which part of the cornea needs to be replaced:

  • Endothelial keratoplasty (EK): It’s the replacement of the inner layer of the cornea
  • Penetrating keratoplasty (PK): It is a complete replacement of the cornea tissue
  • Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK): It’s the replacement of the outer and middle layers of the cornea

This procedure is carried out with local or general anesthesia. It is relatively fast (one hour or less), and you can return to your home the same day.

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