
Eye Consultants

Glaucoma Treatment

Glaucoma is one of those conditions that impair your vision almost entirely if left unattended. The optic nerve is damaged, and the eyes start to malfunction from the inside.

But let us review what glaucoma is. In this section, we’re also covering some treatment options to improve glaucoma and its long-term consequences.

What Is Glaucoma?

What Is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a pressure increase on the inside of the eye. The eye has different chambers, each one with its own fluids. These fluids are in constant exchange. But if the eye forms too much liquid or fails to clear the excess, it will build up and increase intraocular pressure. That is what happens in glaucoma, and many patients have this problem without realizing it.

The problem with glaucoma is that an increase in intraocular pressure creates slow damage to the optic nerve in the long run. If your optic nerve is affected, you will have a permanent loss of vision.

When Do You Need Glaucoma Treatment?

Glaucoma sometimes runs in families, but most patients do not have symptoms for a long time. During this time, their intraocular pressure is slowly causing irreversible damage to the optic nerve. When they are finally diagnosed, it is too late.

Thus, screening for glaucoma is vital if you’re over age 40 years or have a family history of high intraocular pressure. When glaucoma is diagnosed, it should be treated immediately to prevent future visual problems or additional complications.

When Do You Need Glaucoma Treatment?

What Can We Do For You?

What Can We Do For You?

In Eye Consultants Center, we have a specialized glaucoma unit with different treatment modalities.

You will get a complete eye exam, including Tonometry, OCT and Visual Field Test.

is used to measure the pressure inside your eye.

cross sectional analysis of the shape and function of optic nerve and retinal layers.

Visual Field Test
is used to detect central and peripheral field.

Types Of Glaucoma Treatments

Depending on your case and the type of glaucoma, the doctor may recommend one of these treatment modalities or a combination:

  • Conservative treatment with eye drops
  • Peripheral iridotomy
  • Trabeculectomy
  • YAG laser surgery
  • Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty
  • Micropulse CPC Laser
  • Valve (shunt) implant
  • Micro shunt (stent)

Types Of Glaucoma Treatments

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