
Eye Consultants

Our Vision Health
& Wellness Blogs For You

Welcome to our eye health blogs, curated just for you. Explore a wealth of insightful articles and experts advise on a variety of topics related to eye health. Stay informed, inspired and empowered to make healthier choices in your life.

Ptosis Surgery

Ptosis (TOE-sis) is the medical term for drooping of the upper eyelid — a condition that may affect one or both eyes. Ptosis that is present since birth is called congenital ptosis. Droopy eyelids in...

Orbital Surgery

The orbit is composed of the bone cavity that surrounds, along with the system of extra ocular muscle, tissues, and orbital fat. They serve the purpose of protecting and stabilizing the eye. Orbital...

Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

Everything you need to know about eyelid lifting surgery Cosmetic Eyelid surgery, also called blepharoplasty, is the surgical removal of excess skin, muscle and fat in the upper or lower eyelids. Many...

What you should know about LASIK Vs Femto-LASIK

The strong desire to see clearly Laser Vision Correction with a proven procedure Sharp vision is something everyone desires. Not all of us, however, have good eyesight. Eye conditions such as...

الحالات التي تمنعك من القيام بعملية الليزك

  تعتبر جراحة الليزك طريقة شائعة جدا لتصحيح عيوب و أخطاء النظر مثل : قصر النظر طول النظر   مشاكل القرنية رغم أن هذه الجراحة مفيدة للغاية الا انها قد لا تناسب الجميع و عليه يجب استشارة...

Contoura Vision – Walk-in with Specs and Walk-out Specs Free!

Adding a new dimension to the vision correction, Contoura Vision goes one step further than LASIK. It is the latest advancement in laser correction surgeries and can get you better results. This...

كونتورا فيجن : الاستغناء الكامل عن النظارات الطبية

كونتورا فيجن : يعتبر من أحدث جراحات التصحيح بالليزر و هو عبارة عن ليزر موجه لتصحيح عيوب البصر و الاستغناء الكامل عن العدسات اللاصقة والنظارات الطبية الى جانب أنه يعمل على تصحيح مشاكل و عيوب...

Digital Eye Strain: Causes, Symptoms, and Relief Methods

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), or commonly known as digital eye strain, happens to be a temporary discomfort that occurs after using any screen be it a laptop or phone. Electronic devices are the...

Vitreoretinal Diseases – What Should You Know

The conditions concerning the vitreous and retina are called vitreoretinal diseases. These impact the retina and the vitreous and cause damages to them. The retina is the light-sensitive layer in the...


Ptosis (TOE-sis) is the medical term for drooping of the upper eyelid —…


The orbit is composed of the bone cavity that surrounds, along with the…


Everything you need to know about eyelid lifting surgery Cosmetic Eyelid surgery,…


The strong desire to see clearly Laser Vision Correction with a proven procedure…


Adding a new dimension to the vision correction, Contoura Vision…..

Digital Eye

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), or commonly known as digital eye strain, happens to…


The conditions concerning the vitreous and retina are called vitreoretinal diseases..

Ineligibility for
LASIK Surgery

LASIK surgery is a popular means to correct refractive vision errors such as:…

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