
Eye Consultants

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Our Vision Health
& Wellness Blogs For You

Welcome to our eye health blogs, curated just for you. Explore a wealth of insightful articles and experts advise on a variety of topics related to eye health. Stay informed, inspired and empowered to make healthier choices in your life.

طرق الوقاية من مرض عدسة العين المعتمة و العلاج

هو عبارة عن ضبابية في الرؤية قد يؤدي الى ضعف و من ثم فقدان كامل للرؤية و يحدث بسبب تكتل البروتين على العدسة مما يمنع من ارسال الاشارات البصرية الى الشبكية و التي بدورها المسؤولة عن تحويل الصور الى...

Top Ways to Prevent and Treat Cataracts

Cataracts are the clouding of the eye lenses that result in impaired or total loss of vision. This problem occurs when the protein in the eyes form clumps preventing the lens from sending visual...

طرق حماية العين  في ظل الوباء كوفيد 19

في ظل الظروف الراهنة فإن البقاء بالمنزل و الاعتناء بالصحة و الالتزام بقواعد السلامة و الأمان و الاعتناء بأنفسنا وبالآخرين يعتبر امرا ضروريا و اكثر من مجرد ارتداء الكمامة للحماية والسلامة  و لأن...

Protecting Your Eyes During COVID-19

Coronavirus pandemic is more than just a mere reason to stay at home and abide by lockdown protocols. Needless to say, your health and life are at risk. The situation demands that we take care of...

انواع التهابات العين و طرق الوقاية

من الضروري معرفة اسباب الاصابة بالتهابات العين خاصة اذا كنت قد عانيت منها سابقا و سواء كان السبب ناتج عن أمراض العين الشائعة  مثل عدسة العين المعتمة او الجلوكوما او التهاب الملتحمة فإنه من...

Different Types of Eye Infections and Ways to Avoid Them

Eye infections are very common. If you’ve ever suffered from an eye infection, chances are that you’re going to get one or two more in your life. The only way to avoid them is to first understand what...

Important Things For First Time Contact Lenses Wearers

Getting contact lenses for the time can be an exciting process for some people, particularly for those who have had vision problems for a long time. It gives them a chance to have a clear vision of...

Eye Conditions That Cause Headache Behind The Eyes

Headaches are of many types. Feeling pain in your temple is not something you can instantly diagnose, although it is something you instantly want relief from. Since our eyes are located inside our...

أساطير شائعة حول الليزك

الأقاويل الشائعة حول علاج الليزك تعتبر عملية الليزك  ( تصحيح النظر ) من أنجح عمليات العيون التي يتم إجراؤها في العالم بمعدل نجاح عالي جدا و بنتائج مرضية جدا و قد اشتهرت كثيرا في منطقة الشرق...


Ptosis (TOE-sis) is the medical term for drooping of the upper eyelid —…


The orbit is composed of the bone cavity that surrounds, along with the…


Everything you need to know about eyelid lifting surgery Cosmetic Eyelid surgery,…


The strong desire to see clearly Laser Vision Correction with a proven procedure…


Adding a new dimension to the vision correction, Contoura Vision…..

Digital Eye

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), or commonly known as digital eye strain, happens to…


The conditions concerning the vitreous and retina are called vitreoretinal diseases..

Ineligibility for
LASIK Surgery

LASIK surgery is a popular means to correct refractive vision errors such as:…

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