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Important Things For First Time Contact Lenses Wearers

Getting contact lenses for the time can be an exciting process for some people, particularly for those who have had vision problems for a long time. It gives them a chance to have a clear vision of their surroundings without having to worry about managing their spectacles. Having said that, the intrusive physical nature of the lenses when it comes to putting them in the eyes can make people nervous as well.

In this post, we have shed light on some of the most important things that can aid first time contact lenses wearers. To begin with, make sure you have gotten exactly the contact lenses in Dubai that your ophthalmologist recommends. Now that you have your lenses, here’s a few things you should know before you wear them:

Check the Duration

All lenses have a specific time period for which you can wear them. These can be monthly, daily or even weekly. This duration determines the times you can take them off and also decides how often you’ll have to clean them. Your doctor will be the best person to guide you on the type of lenses that are suitable for you. Furthermore, they’ll also guide you on the proper ways to use and clean them. If you’re wearing daily disposable ones, don’t ever make the mistake of wearing them for more than their duration. This can end up causing severe problems for your eyes.

Touching the Lenses

Lenses are not your eyes, but since they are integrally close to them, it’s imperative you know how to touch them. First and foremost, you can’t touch them with dirty hands. Once a lens has been compromised, it can pave the way for germs and bacteria that can become painful and tormenting. Some people think about applying sanitizers and moisturizers to their hands after washing them. This is something that should wait after you’ve thoroughly cleansed your lens and worn them. Lotions and other liquids can cling to the surface of the lens and ultimately cause problems.

Wearing Lenses

The most common mistake people make while wearing lenses is switching them. You should start with the same eye each time and make sure you’re wearing the left one in the left eye and so on. As you probably might have seen, you use your index finger to slide the lens out of the case. Lower your eyelid down with your middle finger and the upper lid with the other hand. Now, put the lens in your eye and blink a few times to have it adjust on your eyeball perfectly. Lenses can tend to hurt if they’re not fitting your eyes perfectly. Your doctor should be able to tell you what changes you require. Furthermore, you can also ask them where to buy contact lenses in Dubai that will fit your prescription. 

Taking Them Out

Make sure to have clean hands before you try to take out your lenses. Now, using the index finger of your left hand, pull your eyelid down. Next, you should look upward to the side and have the lens come down to the white part of your eye. This is where you should use your thumb and the index finger of your right hand and squeeze the lens. It will come off easily. For gas-permeable lenses, you’ll need to make your lens go towards your ear. Next, you need to let gravity do the work for you and blink on your palm looking down on it. This will pop the lens on to your palm.

Cleaning Your Lenses

You can use a multipurpose solution that is given to you to clean your lenses. Certain solutions don’t even require you to rub the lenses thoroughly for cleaning. That means you can just rinse them with enough water and solution to clean them. However, it’s still recommended that you rub them thoroughly before assuming they’re cleaned. The solution you should use is hydrogen peroxide and you should fill it up in a cup of water and put your lenses in it. Never let this solution go directly in your eyes. Also, don’t use tap water to rinse your lenses. There are tiny microbes and bacteria that can get attached to the surface of the lens.

Part of cleaning your lenses requires you to clean the case that you put them in as well. Take some time and use a cleaning solution to wipe the surface thoroughly. This is to be done regularly at night in order to ensure that the lenses are clean. No matter what type of lenses you use, make sure to change the case every 3 months.

In case you are facing any problems with the process or have additional questions, consult the most reputed Dubai eye specialist. It is recommended to consult the specialist who recommended you to wear contact lenses. However, if they’re not available, have them recommend someone.