
Eye Consultants

Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

Everything you need to know about eyelid lifting surgery

Cosmetic Eyelid surgery, also called blepharoplasty, is the surgical removal of excess skin, muscle and fat in the upper or lower eyelids. Many people seek eyelid surgery for cosmetic reasons. It can reduce sagging and puffiness in the eyelids and create a more rested and rejuvenated appearance. Sometimes, doctors recommend eyelid surgery for medical reasons

An upper eyelid blepharoplasty should not be confused with upper eyelid ptosis surgery, which raises the position of the upper eyelid margin by tightening the muscle and tendon that normally elevate it.

What is cosmetic eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty)?

Cosmetic eyelid surgery is a surgical procedure that is not medically necessary and is performed solely to improve your appearance.

Unfortunately, your upper and sometimes lower eyelids may become droopy or baggy as part of the aging process. Your eyebrows also may sag or droop as a part of the same process. In a lower eyelid surgery, an oculaplastic surgeon removes excess skin and removes or repositions excess fat in the lower eyelid, which has the effect of making dark circles disappear and giving the face a rejuvenated look.

The eyelid skin stretches, muscles weaken and fat pockets become more prominent as they bulge. This may be a hereditary condition that runs in your family.

Cosmetically, such conditions may detract from the overall attractiveness of your eyes and face and cause a tired or older appearance.

Who are the best candidates for blepharoplasty?

If you aren’t sure that you are a candidate for blepharoplasty, schedule an appointment with your oculoplastic eye surgeon in Eye consultants, Dubai who can evaluate you for any medical problems related to your eyelids.

If you don’t have a medical reason for a blepharoplasty procedure, you can discuss with your oculoplastic eye surgeon in Eye consultants, Dubai any concerns or interest you might have regarding cosmetic eyelid surgery.

You might consider blepharoplasty if you have excessive drooping and sagging of skin around eyes, which often is due to normal aging. Sagging skin also can be exaggerated when you have other conditions such as puffy eyes caused by eye allergies or edema.