
Eye Consultants

Contoura Vision – Walk-in with Specs and Walk-out Specs Free!

Adding a new dimension to the vision correction, Contoura Vision goes one step further than LASIK. It is the latest advancement in laser correction surgeries and can get you better results. This procedure is a topography-guided laser surgery that helps in correcting refractive errors. This way, you are no longer dependent on contact lenses or glasses for sharp vision.

Along with correcting your specs power, Contoura Vision surgery helps in the removal of corneal irregularities by working on the visual axis giving the patient sharper vision. The method allows for the measurement of 22,000 points compared to 200 points that are provided by the wavefront-guided LASIK method. Then, the identified imperfection in the cornea is recorded and corrected using a laser.

For those who do not want to wear glasses anymore, this procedure is their ultimate solution to a specs-free life. Let’s take a look:

Contoura Vision – How Does it Take Place?

The process starts with the eye specialist taking numerous clinical digital images of the eye before they analyze the 22,000 elevation points on the cornea. Using this particular image analysis, your eye specialist at Eye Consultants Center in Dubai will formulate a plan tailored for your needs.

After the data of the patient’s vision is collected, they upload the information on a specialized program. This program is responsible for controlling the laser. Once the laser gets the appropriate information, it can successfully deliver the required treatment to the patient, effectively taking care of all the issues.

Steps of Contoura Vision

There are three steps involved in Contoura Vision correction.

  • First of all, the latest Topolyzer is used for a detailed evaluation of the eye.
  • The data is then transferred to the Excimer Laser machine
  • The eye is treated to correct refractive errors.

These three steps correct the spectacle power and all corneal irregularities as they work on the visual axis. This way, the patient gets a perfect optical surface. This allows them to get optimal results that surpass the benefits of the LASIK procedure.

Contoura Vision  – Recovery

As reported by the patients, the procedure leads to immediate vision improvement that continues to improve till 3 months after the surgery. The patient may get red or watery eyes. but most patients can easily resume routine activities the next day. It is better to bring someone along to drive you home after getting the procedure done. After a day or two, there is going to be a follow-up checkup.

Contoura & LASIK – What Is the Difference Between the Two?

Both the methods are used to correct astigmatism, long-sightedness, and shortsightedness using the latest technology. However, they differ from each other in procedures and visual results in the following ways:

  • Contoura Vision provides better refractive outcomes and visual improvement as it uses topographic mapping techniques to record microscopic contours of the cornea.
  • Curvature irregularities are the most common causes of vision problems. Contoura Vision treats both the irregularities of the cornea curvature and optics. It focuses on the visual axis whereas the LASIK is centered on the pupil.

Contoura Vision – Advantages

Contoura Vision is a procedure where there is no involvement of pain, stitch, bandage, or even injections. The procedure is approved by the FDA and is claimed to be the highest in safety when it comes to specs removal.

Here are some of the key benefits of getting Contoura Vision:

  • Contoura Vision is highly personalized and leads to enhanced visual quality.
  • It uses software and hardware technologies making the surgical procedure highly advanced.
  • It helps in reducing night glare, light sensitivity, halos, and driving difficulty.
  • The procedure allows for improved capability compared to contacts or glasses.
  • Contoura Vision results in perfect optical quality that leads to even penetration of light that leads to sharp vision.
  • Patients see clearer than they did with corrective lenses.
  • 98% of Contoura Vision patients are satisfied with the results.
  • Contoura Vision effectively addresses all the aspects of the cornea to mitigate risks or any side-effects.
  • The procedure involves less damage to tissues and supports faster healing.
  • The surgery is barely 15-minutes along with little discomfort with most patients reporting improved vision right after. The vision continues to improve for 3 months after the procedure.

Candidates for Contoura Vision

Patients suffering from complex vision problems such as myopia (nearsightedness), astigmatism, and irregular corneas can greatly benefit from Contoura Vision surgery in Eye Consultants Center

All in all, Contoura Vision is a safe and effective method to correct refractive errors. It is suitable for those who have not gotten the desired results with LASIK. However, it is still an eye procedure. So, there may be a few considerations and risks involved. Discuss them with your ophthalmologist first and then decide if you should opt for it or not.

You can book an appointment at Eye Consultants for consultation or Contoura Vision surgery.