
Eye Consultants

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Digital Eye Strain: Causes, Symptoms, and Relief Methods

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), or commonly known as digital eye strain, happens to be a temporary discomfort that occurs after using any screen be it a laptop or phone. Electronic devices are the main reason behind digital eye strain, such as desktops, laptop computers, smartphones, tablets, and TVs. Continuous use for a longer period or rapid switching from one device to another can cause immense stress on the eyes.

During the pandemic, due to increase in screen use, more people were likely to visit an ophthalmologist in Eye Consultants Center to get their eyes checked.

Digital Eye Strain – Symptoms

  • Back, neck, and shoulder pain
  • Blurred vision
  • Dry, irritated, or red eyes
  • Eye fatigue
  • Headache

Digital Eye Strain – Causes

There is not one single reason that can be attributed to digital eye strain. Your eyes might be getting irritated due to many issues like:

  • Glare on a digital screen
  • Poor lighting
  • Poor sitting posture
  • Uncorrected vision problems
  • Improper viewing distances
  • A mix of all these

When using digital devices, particularly smartphones, print is small and images are pixelated. This makes it difficult to read. It also strains the eyes. Holding the devices at the wrong angle or too far from the eyes also strains the eyes. Also, digital devices emit blue light that increases eye strain more so than the other colors with a longer wavelength. It can also lead to vision issues like cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

Digital Eye Strain – Diagnosis

A comprehensive eye examination could be helpful with a diagnosis of digital eye strain. Testing, along with a special focus on the visual requirements of using digital device distance includes:

  • The history of the patient to identify any symptoms or presence of any general health problems. Also, the medications that are being taken or the other environmental factors that might be contributing to the symptoms regarding computer use.
  • To measure the extent of affected vision visual acuity measurements are carried out.
  • Refraction for knowing the lens power required to help with refractive errors such as astigmatism, farsightedness, and nearsightedness.
  • Last but not least, the eyes are tested to check their focus, how they move and work together. For the eyes to view an image clearly, it must be able to change focus and work in unison. This testing is going to determine the problems that get in the way of the eye’s focus.

Digital Eye Strain – Treatment

There are different solutions for screen-related vision problems that you can get relief from by getting regular eye care from Eye Consultants Center  and making changes in the viewing of the screen.

Glasses for Computer Use

Some eye specialists recommend people to wear glasses when using computers. These are different than those people use for their routine life as the contact lenses or eyeglasses for general use may not be adequate for computer work.

Posture while Using Devices

One must ensure proper posture and body positioning while using a computer or other electronic devices. The way you use these devices can prevent and reduce the symptoms of computer vision strain.

Let’s take a look at them:

Location of Computer Screen

For most, it is more comfortable to view a computer when eyes are looking downward. The ideal angle should be 15 to 20 degrees below eye level (4-5 inches) measured from the screen center and 20- 28 inches from the eyes.

Your Sitting Posture

Invest in an ergonomic chair. It should be padded and comfortably conform to your body. Moreover, the height of the chair should be adjusted in such a way that your feet can easily be placed flat on the floor. Also, your arms should give you support when you type and the wrist should not rest on the keyboard when you are typing.


See that your computer is placed in such a way that it avoids glare, especially from the overhead lighting or windows. Use drapes, blinds, or curtains on the windows. Replaces the light bulbs of the desk lamps with low-wattage bulbs.

Blink Frequently

To control the chances of dry eyes from developing, try to blink frequently. You can keep the front surface of the eye moist with blinking.

Take Breaks

Rest your eyes  for 10-15 minutes and take breaks when using a computer for longer periods to prevent eye strains. After every 20 minutes, look into a distance for 20 seconds so that eyes can refocus. Also, you can get a screen glare filter to minimize glare from the screens.

Paying attention to these tips along with regular eye examinations can effectively reduce the development of digital eye strain and the symptoms associated with it.

If you think you may be having any such symptoms that depict the onset of dry eyes, you can get an appointment at Eye Consultants, where a skilled ophthalmologist shall examine your eyes and advise recommended treatment.