
Eye Consultants

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All you need to know about LASIK surgery

If there is one trend that can be observed in the eye care industry, it is the fact that an increasing number of people are opting to get rid of their glasses and contact lenses, by choosing to undergo LASIK surgery. The term ‘LASIK’ stands for Laser In Situ Keratomileusis and is a procedure conducted to correct refractive errors and improve an individual’s ability to focus. The Eye Consultants team has answered a few frequently asked questions about LASIK surgery, so that potential LASIK candidates can gain a better understanding.

What is LASIK?

LASIK surgery is a procedure to rectify refractive errors like nearsightedness (Myopia), farsightedness (Hyperopia) and Astigmatism, in an attempt to significantly reduce a person’s dependency on glasses and contact lenses. The procedure involves reshaping the curvature of the cornea, with the help of a laser beam. LASIK surgery is painless and often the procedure on both eyes will take less than 20 minutes and the patient can go home the very same day.

What are the benefits of LASIK?

  • LASIK surgery helps you experience life without the inhibitions of wearing glasses or contact lenses.
  • LASIK surgery improves quality of life significantly.
  • LASIK surgery will enable you to participate in sports, without worrying about your glasses or contact lenses falling off.
  • LASIK surgery enables you to be less conscious of your appearance and creates a greater sense of confidence.
  • LASIK surgery leads to significant improvement in vision quality.

Are there any restrictions to qualify for LASIK?

You will be unable to enjoy the full benefits of LASIK surgery, If you fall under any of the following categories:

  1. If you have an eye disease like glaucoma or cataract, it will only make your eyesight worse after LASIK.
  2. If you have an autoimmune disease, which affects your healing process and compromises your immunity.
  3. If you have unstable vision power that keeps fluctuating, you may want to reconsider LASIK.
  4. If you have diabetes, it can affect your eyesight more than you know. Getting LASIK surgery when you have diabetes, could lead to unnecessary pressure build up in the eye, causing more harm than good.
  5. If you engage in contact sports like boxing and wrestling on a regular basis, LASIK may not be a viable option for you.

You also need to be above 18 years of age to qualify for LASIK.

How do I prepare for my LASIK Surgery?

Once you decide to undergo LASIK surgery, do not hesitate to ask your eye doctor any questions you may have. This will help to put your mind at ease and also get a better understanding of the procedure. You should ideally also have a frank discussion with your doctor to explain your intentions for undergoing the surgery. Following this, your doctor will conduct multiple examinations to assess if you are a suitable candidate for LASIK surgery.

Here are a few other things you can do, in the days preceding your LASIK surgery:

  • While it is natural to be a little nervous, try to keep yourself as calm as possible and maintain a positive outlook.
  • Avoid wearing contact lenses in the days leading up to your surgery. Your doctor may also recommend this as wearing lenses may alter the shape of your eye, preventing optimum outcome from LASIK.
  • Avoid the use of eye makeup, creams and lotions on the day of your surgery.
  • Have a friend or a family member accompany you to the clinic on the day of your LASIK surgery. Though the procedure for both eyes will not take longer than 30 minutes, you will not be able to drive back home and it is better to have someone you know by your side.
  • Request for some time off from work in advance: Though most people can resume normal daily activities within a few hours, it is advisable to take a few days off from work to recover from your surgery and get adjusted to your new eyesight.

Are there any risks associated with LASIK?

Just like any other surgical procedure, there is no 100 percent success rate even with LASIK. Some patients report dry eye symptoms and see blurry halos and glares for a few days after the surgery. However, the chances of anything going wrong during your LASIK are very slim. At Eye Consultants, Dubai, we take the necessary preoperative and post-operative precautionary measures to ensure that we eliminate all risks, so that your vision is not compromised.

Is LASIK surgery covered by insurance?

Since LASIK is a non-emergency elective surgery, it is categorized as a cosmetic procedure, which does not fall under the purview of regular health insurances. It is thus advisable to take your financial abilities into consideration before opting for LASIK.

Our doctors at Eye Consultants are proficient in ultra-LASIK surgery and have successfully performed ultra-LASIK surgery on hundreds of patients. The clinic is equipped with high-quality equipment to ensure the safety of each patient, while obtaining optimum results. Call us on +971 (0)4 4211299, If you would like to know more about Ultra-LASIK surgery or book an appointment with us.

With age, eye problems have a tendency to crop up and one begins to realize the importance of good eye health and its role in providing quality life.