The conditions concerning the vitreous and retina are called vitreoretinal diseases. These impact the retina and the vitreous and cause damages to them. The retina is the light-sensitive layer in the back of the eye that focuses on the images and transfers that information to the brain through the optic...
Conditions That Make You Ineligible for LASIK Surgery
LASIK surgery is a popular means to correct refractive vision errors such as: Myopia (near-sightedness) Hyperopia (farsightedness) Astigmatism (when the cornea is more oval than round) Even though LASIK is an effective surgery and brings incredible results, it may not be suitable or beneficial for everyone. Your eye specialist at...
الفوائد الناتجة عن جراحة الليزك
التخلص من النظارات و سهولة القراءة و مشاهدة التلفاز و ممارسةالانشكة اليومية بدون عناءكما انها تغني عن الجراحات التقليدية المكلفة. تعتبر دبي مركزا لاحدث و اشهر عيادات و مراكز الليزك و التي تقدم احدث التقنيات العلاجية للعيون في المنطقة . قل وداعا للنظارات الطبية و ابدأ مرحلة جديدة من حياتك...
Incredible Benefits of LASIK Surgery on Quality of Life
Those who wear eyeglasses are burdened. Whether it is to read the menu or the news slide running on the TV screen, you have to reach for your glasses again and again. If you get eye laser surgery in Dubai, you can get relief from a variety of vision problems...