Adding a new dimension to the vision correction, Contoura Vision goes one step further than LASIK. It is the latest advancement in laser correction surgeries and can get you better results. This procedure is a topography-guided laser surgery that helps in correcting refractive errors. This way, you are no longer...
كونتورا فيجن : الاستغناء الكامل عن النظارات الطبية
كونتورا فيجن : يعتبر من أحدث جراحات التصحيح بالليزر و هو عبارة عن ليزر موجه لتصحيح عيوب البصر و الاستغناء الكامل عن العدسات اللاصقة والنظارات الطبية الى جانب أنه يعمل على تصحيح مشاكل و عيوب القرنية حيث ان طريقة العلاج هذه تساعد في التركيز و علاج 22000 نقطة بدل 200...
Digital Eye Strain: Causes, Symptoms, and Relief Methods
Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), or commonly known as digital eye strain, happens to be a temporary discomfort that occurs after using any screen be it a laptop or phone. Electronic devices are the main reason behind digital eye strain, such as desktops, laptop computers, smartphones, tablets, and TVs. Continuous use...
Vitreoretinal Diseases – What Should You Know
The conditions concerning the vitreous and retina are called vitreoretinal diseases. These impact the retina and the vitreous and cause damages to them. The retina is the light-sensitive layer in the back of the eye that focuses on the images and transfers that information to the brain through the optic...